Highline College

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Glossary 2023-10-24T16:19:11+00:00


Procurement has its own language that we use to talk among ourselves. This glossary is offered as a tool for clearer communication among us as we interact with our campus community.

Blanket P.O.

  • Blanket purchase order
  • A single purchase order issued to a vendor for goods and services whereby the resulting cost of the orders do not exceed the limit established on the purchase order.
  • Any resulting purchases made using a blanket P.O. are billed to a single P.O. number.

Client Service Agreement

  • Services provided directly to Highline’s students
  • Entered into for professional or technical services to be provided by an organization or person external to Highline which will result in the delivery of services directly to Highline’s students.

Change Order

  • A change order is used to officially edit / change a purchase order (P.O.) once it has been received by the vendor.  Should any change, cancellation, or other edits to the P.O. need be applied, an official Highline College change order is submitted to the vendor by Purchasing.

Competitive Solicitation

  • Purchasing develops a solicitation and posts on WEBS (Washington’s Electronic Business Solution).  The award is made to the lowest responsible responsive bidder.

Direct Buy Limit

  • A purchasing threshold determined by Washington statute.  Orders under this limit can be purchased directly by the Purchasing department without going through a competitive solicitation.


  • Procurement Card
  • Designed to improve efficiency in the procurement of low dollar goods for Highline College use.


  • Purchase Order
  • A required use form to formalize a purchase transaction with a vendor.  Acceptance of the purchase order by the vendor constitutes a contract.

Professional Service Agreement

  • Professional or technical services provided by a consultant to accomplish a specific study, project, task, or other work statement.


  • Request for Quote / Request for Proposal


  • A provider of materials, supplies, services, and/or equipment.