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Financial Services

Home/Financial Services
Financial Services 2024-10-30T10:07:08+00:00


The Financial Services, consisting of Accounting, Student Financials and Cashiering is responsible for safeguarding the college’s fiscal assets and ensuring college compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, policies and in training of college staff.

Finance Department Contacts

Stefan FellerDirector of Finance 206-592-3491sfeller@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 122
Trung LeAccounting Manager206-592-3946trle@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 122
Thi NguyenAccounts Payable206-592-3533thinguyen@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 120
Craig RhodesAccounts Payable206-592-3276crhodes@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 120
Thanh Loan TranGeneral Ledger Accountant
206-592-3982thatran@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 122
Elena AndreevaFiscal Analyst 3206-592-3322eandreeva@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 122
David SevereAccounts Receivable 206-592-3530dsevere@highline.eduBuilding 25, Room 122
Victoria SolanoStudent Financials206-592-3126vsolano@highline.edu</aBuilding 6, Room 135
Kendra FerrerStudent Financials206-592-3288kferrer@highline.edu</aBuilding 25, Room 122
Darryl StratfordStudent Financials206-592-3848dstratford@highline.edu</aBuilding 6, Room 135

Hours of Operation

WeekdayRegular Hours
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Month-End Close Dates

The state board closes the general ledger on a specific date each month for transactions for the previous month for balancing the colleges. We pick the day before that and give the departments three days prior to that to give the finance department all final transactions for that month. That gives the finance department time to complete our part of the month-end process.

Financial Statements

Financial Statement Audits
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Fiscal Year 2022-2022
Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Fiscal Year 2014-2015

General Operating Budgets

Budget by Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Revised Budget
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Fiscal Year 2018-2019
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Fiscal Year 2012-2013